
Heather Sheppard
In Memory of
Heather D.
Sheppard (Mitchell)
1950 - 2014
Memorial Candle Tribute From
Wartman Funeral Home Inc.
"We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family."
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Heather the amazing Nurse

I was so saddened to hear about the passing of Heather. I wanted to share a few stories! Heather was my son's Oncology Nurse at Surrey Memorial Hospital CYS, Onc. Clinic here in BC. My son Quinn adored her. She was a straight shooter and Quinn liked that. Quinn was 6 when he was diagnosed with cancer but he was beyond his years and Heather always recognized that. Quinn called her "The nurse that did not care" It was a standing joke that went back us being stuck in the clinic longer that expected and Quinn making some demands and Heather jokingly saying, "Hey Quinn...I am the Nurse that does not care!" He knew better!! Heather would sing this to Quinn when we would arrive everytime after this...She would say guess what have the nurse that does not care today....BUT she cared and beyond! She was so good to Quinn. An amazing nurse!!

Another funny story is when she secretly put a "Hello Kitty" Band Aid on Quinn's VAD after deaccessing him. He always waited until he got home to take off the band aid and when he discovered what she had done...all I could hear was " I am going to get her back". We had to go back the next day for Chemo and Quinn had prepared a "KICK ME" sign and he convinced one of the Childlife workers to secretly put it on her back. I am sure she knew but played along. Dr Prevost came in and gave her a light kick...Quinn laughed so hard.

In December of 2008, our son was failing fast and there was no other options for treatment and I could see tears in Heathers eyes. I remember Quinn sleeping in the clinic after an appointment and Heather came over and kissed him lightly on his head. I think she knew she may not see him again and she was right. On December 31, at 10:10pm, Quinn passed away peacefully. I pray Quinn was there to help her during her passing. We could feel many Angels around Quinn leading up to his passing.

To Dexter...I know she loved you so much. I remember when you would come to pick her up at the hospital and one time we left around the same time. Quinn caught the two of you holding hands heading to the parking lot. I am sure he teased Heather about that the next day.

I am sending my heartfelt condolences to your entire family. She was not only one of the best nurses I know but a lady with a very big heart. I hope the stories I have shared gives you some peace knowing how beautiful she was!

Suzanne Dunbar (

Posted by Suzanne Dunbar
Thursday December 11, 2014 at 11:51 pm
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