In Memory of






Condolence From: Barbie
Condolence: It’s hard to believe that it has been 5 years since dad’s passing. He is still larger than life in our collective memories and rarely does a family gathering go by that a ‘dad story’ does not eventually surface. We were such lucky kids to have this family life. I like to think of dad with dear Aunt Audrey and of course with our Kathy. Thanks to all who left memories here.
Tuesday December 27, 2022
Condolence From: Chuck and Jan McGuire
Condolence: We were sorry to hear about Uncle Allison's passing. We know that he will be missed. I remember his smile and his laugh. We had some great memories and stories from the Family Reunion at Bayside. We will be praying for you all Aunt Ann and family.
Monday January 15, 2018
Condolence From: Dave and Wendy DuBois
Condolence: Our deepest sympathy to Aunt Ann and all the family on Uncle Allison’s passing. Remembering our Family Reunions, and Uncle Al’s great story telling abilities. Cherish all the wonderful memories you made together. Praying for peace as you go forward. Hugs.
Monday January 15, 2018
Condolence From: Barbara Wilkinson Santos
Condolence: I have so many fond memories of Rev. Haley and all of the family. I remember the first day we met- our family was watching home movies and he joined us in the basement and told me about his daughter Barb who was 6... the same age as I was...... little did I know that we would become good friends for many years. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Cherish the memories and he live forever in your hearts.
Monday January 08, 2018
Condolence From: Aidan Haley
Condolence: Our sincerest condolences to Ann and family. Enjoyable visits in Bayfield,few, but with great memories. "We had some history together" Maureen & Aidan Haley
Saturday January 06, 2018
Condolence From: Sam Stevens
Condolence: Heartfelt condolences to Aunt Ann and all her and Uncle Al's children. Many fond memories of Uncle Al's generosity, wit and warm personality. Really enjoyed my visits with the family at Cap Brule and Bayfield. It was evident that he was a great Dad and husband, and never wavered in his faith in God. Hopefully he and my Mom (Audrey) will meet on the other side, as she dearly loved her brother. He and Aunt Ann produced an extraordinary family.
Friday January 05, 2018
Condolence From: Barb & Darryl Haley
Condolence: Our condolences to Aunt Ann and her family on the loss of Uncle Al. A person who was always larger than life. Many fond memories of the beach times at Shediac and at Cavendish and the wonderful flower gardens at Bayfield. Onward Christian Soldier.
Wednesday January 03, 2018
Condolence From: Mike, Wendy and Elva Haley
Condolence: So sorry to hear about Uncle Al's passing. I am so glad that Mom and I were able to get up to Bayfield to see him and most of the family last year. We have many fond memories of Uncle Al from younger times at the beach near Shediac to more recent events like the last big Haley reunion in Bayfield. He was a great host and all-round good guy! Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone.
Friday December 29, 2017